BCC - significado y definición. Qué es BCC
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Qué (quién) es BCC - definición

Bcc; The BCC; BCC (disambiguation); B.C.C

Blind Carbon Copy (Reference: telecommunication)
Base Communications-computer Center (Reference: mil., USA)



BCC may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para BCC
1. BCC.
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2. BCC are not able to reply all.
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3. forgot to put them on BCC.
Digital Etiquette - The Future of Good Manners _ Victoria Turk _ Talks at Google
4. BCC is not only acceptable, but very necessary--
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5. Moving Sally to BCC to save her inbox.
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Ejemplos de uso de BCC
1. The process was proving relatively slow, the BCC said.
2. The BCC also called for UK interest rate cuts, a call echoed by many analysts.
3. "Paying staff a fair wage is, of course, essential," said David Frost, the BCC director general.
4. The BCC believes that the government must reinstate compulsory language learning until the end of GCSEs.
5. BCC director general David Frost said: "We understand that the MPC faces difficult choices.